Queers & Quills 2025 Preorder
If you're looking to preorder for Queers & Quills 2025 from Sanctum Flames, you're in the right place! You'll be able to shop like normal throughout the site.
Use the code QANDQ25 at checkout to get 'free shipping' for pickup. This code will only work through 3/23 at 9pm - that will be the end of my preorder timeframe. There is no limit on how many times you can use the code. You will not be able to use Influencer codes for this event.
Please be aware, there are no refunds or returns. All sales are final. All candles and prints are made-to-order.
*It is your responsibility to pick up your order. If you fail to do so, you can contact me to pay for shipping after the event within one week. In other words, lets just make sure to meet up!